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Reviews help us know what you like to hear and helps us reach new audiences. Be sure to pick a unique nickname with numbers or symbols in order for your review to be submitted. Please follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Search

Open the Apple Podcasts app on your phone and search for American Building. Click on the cover art icon when it appears.

Step 2: Follow

Click on the Plus sign in the upper right corner to follow the podcast. Following means you will get updates about new episodes every week.

Step 3: Scroll, Rate & Review

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select a 5-star review. Then click Write a Review. Let us know what you love about the show.

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Rate and Review American Building

Leave Us a Rating

You can now give American Building a rating on Spotify, the preferred listening platform for Android users. This is a brand new feature of Spotify and helps indicate to listeners that the topics and conversations we share on the show is valuable. Help us spread to the word about the show by leaving us a 5-star rating on Spotify.

Step 1: Open Spotify App

Start by opening the app on your phone or tablet. If you don’t have the app, you can download from the app store. Search for American Building and click on the podcast title.

Step 2: Follow the Show

Click on the button that says Follow. Following American Building means you will be the first to know when a new episode is available on Spotify every week.

Step 3: Rate with 5 Stars

From the main podcast page, tap the three horizontal lines under the podcast cover image. In the pop-up menu, select Rate show. Tap the right-most star to leave a five-star rating

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Hear from experts across the industry on eight ways developers and designers are making their dent in the housing crisis.